CANCELLED: Employer Business Training & Skills Support

By LBF2023 (other events)

Tuesday, November 7 2023 9:00 AM 11:30 AM GMT

This event will demostrate the comprehensive range of skills development and training packages which can be implemented within your workplace.

This will be aimed at local employers including SMEs. Content will include:

  • Nurturing new talent/recruits in the workforce through apprenticeships and wider work experiences
  • An update on T Levels, wider Government policy changes and developments in work-based/linked training.
  • An overview of the dedicated recruitment team that is available at the College
  • How to support supporting existing employers in professional training linked to workforce development, retention of staff and succession planning
  • How the College’s account manager will work with your HR teams and organisational development teams to identify skills gap and training needs in the workplace for both recruits and existing staff to maximise the levy for business growth and how we can offer apprenticeships and professional courses to the organisation.
  • Looking at standalone delivery such as functional skills and ESOL.

The event is aimed at Leicestershire based SME’s and Apprenticeship Levy employers as it aims to:

  • Simplify the training and skills landscape for employers
  • Make sense of the Apprenticeship changes and policy direction
  • Provide an update on the College’s progress on T Levels and the sectors that they are now offered in.
  • Ensure employers are aware of the full range of training, skills and resources available to them
  • Deliver expert knowledge and experience of high-quality tailored training schemes to individual businesses and how they can deliver a measurable return on investment

Attendees will have increased knowledge of training and support that is available to them and how to access. They will have a link to an individual account manager to support in mapping work and coherent plan around their skills training for new and existing employees and access to the right programmes and training.


  • Tina Jivraj, Business Development and Key Account Manager
  • Gemma Jackson, Employability & Enterprise Manager
  • Lee Barrett, Head of Personal Development


The event will be a breakfast event starting at 09:00 with open breaks. 

  1. Welcome to the College (Principal or Vice Principal) 
  2. Existing employers will share their experiences (at least two employers) 
  3. Employee feedback- from both apprenticeships and work experience perspectives 
  4. Tina Jivraj, Business Development and Key Account Manager will provide detail on apprenticeships, SME’s and Levy along with the available support for employers 
  5. Gemma Jackson, Employability & Enterprise Manager and/or Lee Barrett Head of Personal Development will present on work experience and T Levels 
  6. Networking opportunities following the event