Business Essentials | Tax & Financial Planning, Protection and Strategy

By LBF2023 (other events)

Thursday, November 9 2023 10:00 AM 12:00 PM BST

This event is aimed at all current SME business owners as well as those planning on starting a business and will cover strategies for business growth, financial planning and valuable R&D business funding opportunities.

Our speakers are specialists in their respective business, tax and financial planning fields and will make short presentations, allowing ample opportunity for any questions to be raised on the subject matter and time for open networking. Topics being covered:
Future proofing businesses, protecting company assets, planning for business growth and long-term goals for retirement/exit strategies:

  • Tax efficient corporate structures, corporate investment and use of discretionary trust for tax planning and protection of wealth.

Research & Development Tax Relief Claims:

  • A guide to current and new changes to R&D legislation and how these changes will affect businesses making claims.

Business Planning:

What actions can be taken on protecting your businesses from unforeseen risks? Business owners may already be well versed in protecting companies from sales and operational risks. However, there are other business risks that they may not even be aware of, such as:

  • Do you and your fellow shareholders have money readily available to purchase additional shares if one of the shareholders were to die or become ill?
  • Are a significant part of the business’s profits attributed to one or more key employees with specialist skills or knowledge?
  • Do any of the company’s existing business loans have personal guarantees?
  • Are there any arrangements in place to repay any existing loans in the event of death or incapacity?

Getting Retirement Planning right:

While many business owners plan to sell their business to fund their retirement, there are key areas of planning such as pensions that shouldn’t be overlooked.


  • Shazin Tayub, Director | Haines Watts Leicester Limited
  • Perdeep Asi, Associate Director & Nitin Khanna, Partner | Tilney


  • 10.00am Arrival/Welcome Refreshments (tea, coffee, juice & breakfast pastries)
  • 10:30am Guests to be seated
  • 10:40am Presentation to be delivered by Shazin Tayub
  • 11.00am Presentation to be delivered by Perdeep Asi & Nitin Khanna
  • 11:20am Open Networking
  • 12noon Close

Venue: DMU 1 Richmond Street, First Floor - Conference Room 2, 1 Richmond Street, Leicester, LE2 7LQ

Haines Watts Leicester Limited are a firm of Chartered Accountants and Business Advisors based in Leicestershire, please visit our website for more information about us