Blockchain and the Creative Industries: Challenges and Opportunities

By LBF2023 (other events)

Monday, November 13 2023 12:00 PM 2:00 PM GMT

The creative industries, which includes publishing and broadcasting, add £108bn each year to the UK economy. At the same time, the incomes of writers and artists continue to fall. For instance, a recent report found that professional authors are earning a median income of just £7,000 per year, with women, black and mixed race authors receiving disproportionally less. This calls into question the extent to which writers' and artists’ contributions to the creative industries are properly valued.

The round table will explore how blockchains offer new ways for wealth creation in the creative industries, as well as new opportunities to interact with audiences, and better distribute the flow of income. We will also acknowledge that blockchains also pose challenges in terms of digital inclusion and security of income.

The discussion is open to everyone, including writers and other creatives, publishers and broadcasters, community organisers and facilitators, policy makers, social investors and small business advisers.

Confirmed speakers include:

Shani Lee: A blockchain advocate with seven years’ experience of blockchain activity. As leader of a team of teaching and publishing professionals in The Ink Well online writing community she wrote a manifesto for readers and writers. Shani has an MA in Digital Media and Society, is a SFEDI accredited small business and social enterprise adviser and is qualified in commissioning and contract management. She is Co-ordinator of the London VAWG Consortium which provides services to over 30,000 women and girls every year. She was an early adopter of the Hive blockchain.

Dr. Rob Watson: Director of Decentered Media and a pioneer of new approaches to community media production, communication for development, social media organisation and collaborative problem-solving. He is attracted to projects with long-term social aims, that represent a significant social challenge. He is also an advocate for collaborative, collegiate, community and social-led engagement activities, and media-related diversity and social inclusion.

Dr. Hiu Man Chan. A researcher, entrepreneur and consultant specialising in international collaboration in the creative and cultural industries, particularly the film sector. In parallel to her teaching and research, she has been an active practitioner involving in a wide range of projects with over 15 years of industry experience. These include co-production film development, film distribution and exhibition, film festival, film related IP concept design, cultural industries development and management strategies as well as non-profit organisation management.

Professor Edward Cartwright: Director of the Institute for Applied Economics and Social Value, has long standing research interests in supporting sustainable and inclusive economic growth in the digital era. He has led and supported various projects in the Leicester area aimed at widening participation in economic and social policy debate. He is involved in projects looking at the economic impacts of blockchain technology.